(Quick Reference)


Returns an instance of the object specified by the provided id, or null if no such object exists. The specified arguments can be either the id string (i.e. the value of the id object property) or the primary key(s) of the object.


identifieryesprimary key or ident() value
cascadenotrue causes any belonging to this object to be deleted along with the object itself
clusternoname of the cluster (as specified in the configuration) from which to retrieve the object
consistencyLevelno"CL_ONE", "CL_LOCAL_QUORUM", "CL_QUORUM", or "CL_ALL"


Single string primary key

Given the class:

class Person
    String username
    static cassandraMapping = [
            primaryKey: 'username'

Retrieve an object by specifying the primary key, which is also the value returned by person.id:

def person = Person.get("joeuser")

Time based UUID primary key

Given the class:

class Post
    UUID uuid
    static cassandraMapping = [
            primaryKey: 'uuid'

Retrieve an object by specify a UUID value:

def post = Post.get("5f5d32e0-1177-11e2-ac9f-001c42000009".toUUID())

or the string value returned by the post.id value:

def post = Post.get("001349721517326_5f5d32e0-1177-11e2-ac9f-001c42000009")

Composite primary key

Given the class:

class Like
    Long postId
    Long userId
    static cassandraMapping = [
            primaryKey: ['postId','userId'],

Retrieve an object by specifying a list of the primary key values:

def like = Like.get([1001,1002])

or by specifying the string returned by .id:

def like = Like.get("1001_1002")